Relationship between Some Virulence Factors of Staphylococcus. saprophyticus associated with urinary tract infection and Interferon Gamma In Reproductive Age Women In Samarra City


  • Samira Ayoub Hameed Author
  • Rafal Khaleel Farhan Author
  • Jaafar jameel Ibrahim Author


Virulence Factors, Staphylococcus Saprophyticus, UTI, IFN- gamma


Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infectious disease of the urinary system caused by diverse uropathogens, affecting females and males of all ages.
Cross-sectional study which was conducted during the period extending from the first of November  2022 to the end of Jun   2023. 
Background: The total number of samples in this study was 425 reproductive age women. Whose age were between 15-45 years old .
Aim: To  look  for  some  virulence  factors  of  Staphylococcus  saprophyticus causing  urinary  tract  infections  and  cytokine  response  in  reproductive  age women in Samarra City.
Methods :Type of samples were urine  collected from women ,and  then conducting microbiological examination and located of IFN gamma amount by using (ELISA) technique . 
Results :When  laboratory  culture  was  performed  ,it  was  found  (65.65%) samples G+ve in laboratory  and  (34.35%) G -ve . Through this study , the percentage of negative bacteria higher than positive bacteria when performing gram stain. The commonest type of bacteria isolates among reproductive age women with urinary tract infection was E. coli which constitutes 91 (33.0%) followed by S. saprophyticus 42 (15.0%), S. aureus 31(11%) , Enterococcus faecalis 29 (10%), P. aeruginosa 25 (9%), Klebsiella pneumonia19 (7%) , Staphylococcus haemolyticus 17 (6%), Proteus mirabilis 6 (2%), Micrococcus luteus 13(5%),  and  mixed  6(2.0%).  The  current study  showed  that  UTI staphylococcus saprophyticus is more frequent in the age 15-25 years old about (45.2%) and the age group 26-35 years old of about (38.1%) while the lowest percentage  was  within  the  age  group  of  (36-45)years  old  which constitutes16.7%.  The  urease  enzyme  produce    by  staphylococcus saprophyticus prevalence was 100% , and lipase enzyme about 38.1%..


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