Evaluation of RT-PCR in molecular diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis and Trichomonas vaginalis infection in comparison with other conventional method in Tikrit province
Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, RT-PCR, bacterial vaginalis, GTIAbstract
Background: Gardnerella vaginalis, and Trichomonas vaginalis are the organisms most commonly associated with vaginitis; each can also be present in an asymptomatic state. G. vaginalis has been shown to be increased in patients with findings of a gray or homogenous discharge. While T.vaginalis is more prevalent in patients with symptoms, foamy gray or yellow discharge. Gardnerella vaginalis is a bacterium that is commonly associated with bacterial vaginalis (BV). BV is a condition characterized by an overgrowth of certain bacteria in the vagina, disrupting the normal vaginal flora. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was isolation of Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis , and was to examine the prevalence and distribution of G.vaginalis in the vaginal ecosystem of pregnant women at two different stages of pregnancy (first and third trimester) . Materials and methods: From November 2023 to April 2024, 57 patient's urine samples and vagina swab were collected. In Tikrit city, pregnant women with infects the Genital tract infection (GTI) , visited Tikrit Teaching Hospital. The samples were divided into three parts , apart for microscopic examination ( for T.vaginalis) ,part for culture ( for G.vaginalis ) and apart for RT-PCR ( for T.vaginalis and G.vaginalis ) . Result: present the percentage of samples positive on culture in vagina swap for G.vaginalis was 17(29.8%), including (15.8%)and (14%) isolated from (20-30) and (31-40) age and no result Growth in urine samples ,but the result in RT-PCR different between the types of samples (urine and vagina swab) were positive in urine samples is 43(75.4%) including 25 (43.8%)and 18 (31.6%) isolated from (20-30) and (31-40) age , and in vagina swab samples is 50(87.7%) including 30 (52.7%)and 18(35%) isolated from (20-30) and (31-40) age ,was no result for T.vaginalis . Conclusion: This study confirm that ages (20-30) are more affected than ages (31-40) due to sexual activity ,RT-PCR is more specific and sensitive way for diagnosis also the most common age for infection in (20-30).