The Medical Journal of Tikrit University <table style="height: 442px; width: 1116px;" width="647"> <tbody> <tr style="height: 446px;"> <td style="width: 317.656px; height: 446px;"><img src="" alt="" width="250" height="354" /></td> <td style="width: 592.778px; height: 446px;"> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>The Medical Journal of Tikrit University (MJTU)</strong> is a scientific and open access peer-reviewed, scholarly publication aiming to promote scientific medicin and presented to researchers and academic students of medicin Sciences. MJTU is available for authors and readers free of - charge immediately upon publication. <br />TJAS publishes two issues per year and publishes original articles, review papers, and case reports in different areas of agricultural sciences. The Tikrit University, the publisher of MJTU, The Medical Journal of Tikrit University, is published on behalf of the College of Medicin, Tikrit University.<br />MJTU Publishing publishes under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license. We are using Turnitin to prevent plagiarism and ensure the originality of our submitted manuscripts.</p> <p>Print ISSN: 1813-1638<br /><br /></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Tikrit University en-US The Medical Journal of Tikrit University 1813-1638 <p><strong>The Medical Journal of Tikrit University</strong> is licensed under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>, which allows users to copy, create extracts, abstracts, and new works from the article, alter and revise the article, and make commercial use of the article (including reuse and/or resale of the article by commercial entities), provided the user gives appropriate credit (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI), provides a link to the license, indicates if changes were made, and the licensor is not represented as endorsing the use made of the work. The authors hold the copyright for their published work on the MJTU website, while MJTU is responsible for appreciate citation of their work, which is released under CC-BY-4.0, enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.</p> Pregnancy outcomes of COVID-19 infection in Iraqi women presented to primary health care center <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background</strong>: COVID-19 pandemic disease had great impact on health status in Iraq. The pregnant women and their infants might be at higher risk after infection by COVID-19 disease.&nbsp;<strong>Aim of study</strong>: To evaluate the maternal and neonatal characteristics of pregnant women infected by COVID-19 disease and assessing the maternal and neonatal outcomes in Iraqi from a sample of pregnant women. <strong>Patients &amp; Methods</strong>: A clinical prospective follow up study carried out in Obstetrics care unit of Al-Jamiaa health care center of Al-Adil Health sector of Al-Karkh Health Directorate in Baghdad city-Iraq. The duration of the study was six months through the period from 1<sup>st</sup> of July to end of&nbsp; December, 2020. A convenient sample of 132 pregnant women at labour was selected after eligibility to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The pregnant women enrolled in the study were tested by COVID-19-Reverse transcription&nbsp;<em>polymerase chain reaction</em> test at their admission to hospital.&nbsp;&nbsp; The diagnosis was done by clinical and laboratory investigations including&nbsp; neutophilia and lymphopenia, very high CRP, elevated D-dimer and sometimes on extent of lung involvement by x-ray.&nbsp;<strong>Results</strong>: The present study showed that 63.6% of pregnant women at labour room had positive COVID-19 infection, while only 6 (4.5%) fetuses had positive COVID-19 infection after delivery. There was a highly significant association between first cesarean section of pregnant women and positive COVID-19 infection (p&lt;0.001). A significant association was observed between preterm labour of fetuses and positive maternal COVID-19 infection (p=0.01). There was a significant association between meconium aspiration of fetuses and positive maternal COVID-19 infection (p=0.001).<strong>Conclusions</strong>: The incidence of maternal and fetal COVID-19 infection among sample of Iraqi pregnant women presented to primary health care center for antenatal care is high</p> Dalal I. Hussein Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 1 17 10.25130/mjotu.29.1.1-17 Аnаtоmic vаriаtiоn аssоciаted entrарment neurораtһies оf tһe uррer limb: reveiw оf litreture <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Intrоductiоn:,</strong>Tһere аre numerоus situate in tһe uррer limbs in which a nerve becоmes cоmpressed оr entrapped, between twо оther structures lоcated in the bоdy, in sequence оtһer neurоlоgical entrарments synḋrоme cаn be seen. The purpоse оf this survey is tо assessment аn updаte literаtures regarding entrаpment neurоpаthies in tһe upper extremity аnd tһeir cоrrespоndences witһ neurоmusculоskeletаl аnаtоmicаl vаriаtiоns аnd certаin clinicаl defect<strong>Metһоds:,</strong>&nbsp;analytical literаture&nbsp; of review's methods survey within diverse multifariоus organized collection of data. dаtаbаses is used tо cаrfully define affiliatiоn among nerve entrаpment аnd аnаtоmicаl disparity оf neurо-musculоskeletаl оrganizatiоn, using an organisedstructure оf key terms prоjected via “Cochrane Handbook For Systemic Reviews Of Interventions”&nbsp;<strong>Results:, </strong>Assess the detailed research thesis hаs been practically displayed thаt anatоmical anоmalies оf the upper extremity, interrelated with entrарment оf the nerve resembling cоmрressiоns regarded as being caused by sоme tyрe оf extra&nbsp; muscle оr anatоmical deviatiоn in the site оf muscular attachment. Tһis cоnfirms tһe significance knоwledge оf tһe оrdinary аnаtоmy tо оbserve tһese structures аnd tһeir роssible disparities, this impоrtant tо аid in preventing delаyed diаgnоsis аnd treаtment.<strong>Cоnclusiоns: </strong>cоmpressiоn neurоpathy аre а medical indicаtiоn fоr a patient whо attends a neurоlоgical department fоr cоnsultаtiоn. despite the certain types оf cоmpressiоn аre eаsily diаgnоsed оr quite cоmmоn; fоr example cаrраl tunnel neurоpаthy аnd ulnаr syndrоme аt the elbоw, Sоmehоw оthers illnesses result frоm mоre incоmprehensible etiоlоgies аnd require distinguishing knоwledge оf аll neurоmusculоskeletаl disоrder which is exact imроrtаnt tо avоid iаtrоgenic impairment due tо unanticipated аnаtоmic vаriаtiоns</p> Zahraa A. Tabоu Eman G. Sheet Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 18 49 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.18-49 Evaluation of Serum Galectin- 3 Levels in Preeclampsia at Term <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background</strong>&nbsp; Pre-eclampsia is a disorder of vascular endothelial dysfunction and vasospasm that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and may occur up to 4–6 weeks after pregnancy. It is defined clinically by hypertension and proteinuria with or without pathological edema. Galectin-3 is expressed in all types of immune cells and organs in human tissues and plays an important role in many biological processes such as inflammatory responses, fibroids, intercellular adhesion, angiogenesis, apoptosis and cell differentiation.<strong>Aim of study</strong>&nbsp; To evaluate Galectin-3 level in pre-eclampsia and to determine the association with severity of pre-eclampsia<strong>Patients and method</strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;A case-control study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Azadi Teaching Hospital / Kirkuk/ Iraq. The duration of study was eight months from 1st of February till 1st of October 2021.The study involved 90 patients, 60 preeclamptic women, and 30 (control group) with gestational age (37- 40). Patients were admitted to the hospital for following up their blood pressure, urine test for albumin, renal function test, liver function test were done, between 37-40 weeks gestational age of the pregnancy.<strong>Results</strong>Galectin-3 was significantly higher among pregnant women with severe preeclampsia in comparison to mild pre-eclampsia and control groups (p=0.0001), while no significant correlation in the mean Galectin-3 between normal and mild preeclampsia (P=0.92).&nbsp;<strong>Conclusion</strong>: Serum Galectin- 3 is a marker for diagnosis of pre-eclampsia and its severity</p> Sumaya Q. Muhammed Esraa A. Mohammed Salih Ibrahem Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 50 65 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.50-65 Characteristic Features of Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients in Al-Dejail Hospital Region <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background</strong>: Covid-19 has been one of the affected countries during the pandemic from February 2020. The majority of published research have shown the demographic and clinical features of Covid-19 patients in various parts of Iraq, but not in Al-Dejail district, Salah AldenGovernorate. The baseline and clinical features of hospitalized COVID-19 patients hospitalized are described below.<strong>Methods</strong>: This is a cross-sectional study in ِ Al-Dejail Emergency and Maternity Hospital from February 2020 until July 2020. Review of 100 admitted patients to the emergency unit was done and, the demographic and clinical manifestations was reported in patients with COVID-19 infection. The patients in this study were split into two groups: mild to moderate cases (percent) and severe to critically sick cases (78 percent). In accordance, a comparative analysis of all reported characteristics is performed.<strong>Results</strong>: The patients' mean age was 52.25±13.9 years, with 46-55 years being the most frequent age group. In terms of gender, smoking, or job, there was no statistically significant difference between the mild-moderate and seriously to critically ill groups (p &gt; 0.05). Fever (84 percent), cough (82 percent), dyspnea (88 percent), and GIT symptoms were the most prevalent symptoms among the hospitalized patients. Except for obesity, diabetes, and CT results, there were no significant changes in clinical characteristics, co morbidities, or clinical outcomes between moderate and severe patients.<strong>Conclusions</strong>:&nbsp;The majority of COVID-19 patients were symptomatic and were older than previous reports ranges between 46 and 55 years. Obesity and diabetes mellitus were discovered to be strongly associated to the progression and severity of illness</p> Ali A Gheni Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 66 82 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.66-82 If there's Relation between Malaria and COVID -19 <p style="text-align: justify;">Malaria is a parasitic infection, caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes, that leads to an acute life-threatening disease and poses a notable global health threating . According to the World Health Organization (WHO) data of 2019, about 228 million cases of malaria and 405,000 deaths were reported worldwide.Due to the similarity of symptoms between malaria and COVID-19, especially fever, difficulty in breathing, fatigue and headache of acute onset, a malaria patient may be misdiagnosed as COVID-19 and vice versa. Moreover, complications like acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, and multi-organ failure can also happen in both malaria and COVID-19. The first step to identify a COVID-19 patient is the symptomatic screening, which consists of shortness of breath, fever, dry cough, sore throat, headache and myalgia in a high-risk patient like healthcare workers or patients with a history of contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.Some scientists attribute the inverse relationship between COVID 19 and malaria to the wide use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), chloroquine (CQ) and other anti-malarial drugs in countries that are endemic for malaria.&nbsp;In conclusion, COVID-19 has a variable prevalence among countries which is lower than expected in malaria-endemic regions. In addition to the possible role of health infrastructure and mitigation tools adopted, Both hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and chloroquine (CQ) may have preventive and curative effects against SARS-CoV-2 virus through different mechanisms, however, clinical trials are still investigating the use of these medications as a potential treatment and preventive measures. The lower than expected number of cases detected in Asia suggests that the young age structure may be protective of severe and thus detectable cases.</p> Zainab S. Erzaiq Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 83 90 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.83-90 Evaluation of Some Growth Parameters among Patients with Chronic Asthma Attending Salahaldeen General Hospital <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bckgrownd :</strong>Asthma can impair airway development and reduce maximally attained lung function, and these deficits in lung function can persist or extend into adulthood without further progressive loss. Asthmatic patients are more vulnerable to infections and noncommunicable chronic co-morbidities, which are linked to poorer asthma outcomes.&nbsp;<strong>Aim</strong>:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The current study aimed to assess the impact of asthma and its treatment on children's growth parameters.Pateint and Method:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A convenient sample of 200 children in primary school aged (6-12 years) was enrolled including a case group consisting of 100 patients who were presented with asthma; This group was subdivided into two subgroups (50 children using steroids as a treatment and 50 children with asthma using non-steroidal therapy) and 100 healthy children in the control group.&nbsp;<strong>Results</strong>:&nbsp; The results of the current study showed that male constitutes the largest percentage of the sample (56%). There was a difference between the study groups regarding age, gender, and residency. The parent's asthma, exposure to smoking, lower respiratory tract infection, and allergy were confirmed as risk factors for asthma in children. The means of anthropometric parameters, except height, were higher among asthmatic patients with regular steroids than those with intermittent steroid use and healthy child in the control group. The height mean was lower in asthmatic patients with regular steroid use than those with intermittent steroid use and healthy children in the control group.&nbsp;<strong>Conclusion</strong> :&nbsp; There were associations between childhood asthma and its treatment and impairment of growth parameters</p> Omar M. Abd almoula Thamer J. Thamer J. Luay A. Luay A. Hind M. Hind M. Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 91 103 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.91-103 The Value of Serum Calponin 1 in Maternal Blood as Marker for Prediction of Short Preterm Labour with Intact Membrane <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background: </strong>Preterm birth is a worldwide epidemic with a global incidence of (5%- 15%). It is important risk factor for perinatal morbidity and mortality.Calponin 1 is a basic smooth muscle protein that had biological process as actinomycin structure organization and regulation of contractile function. The uterus containing the largest volume of smooth muscle, myometrial destruction occurs when uterine contractions start leading to increased maternal serum calponin 1 levels.<strong>Aim of study: </strong>To investigate the level of serum calponin 1 in maternal blood as marker for prediction of short onset preterm labor with intact membrane within one week.<strong>Methods: </strong>A prospective observational study that collected in obstetrical department of the al-yarmouk hospital in cooperation with the laboratory department of hospital through the period&nbsp; from Feb till Dec 2019. It included 88 pregnant women between&nbsp; 28 – 36+6 gestational weeks admitted to the hospital diagnosed as threatened preterm labor. Follow up done with each participant admitted in hospital until the time of delivery to determine the gestational age at delivery and record the birth interval from blood sampling till delivery, Serum&nbsp; Calponin 1 level positive and negative predictive values were compared for the prediction of short onset preterm birth within seven days or more<strong>Results: </strong>In this study, 73.9% of the study patients were delivered within one week after presentation. Mean of calponin 1 was significantly higher in study groups who delivered within one week than those who delivered after one week. Serum calponin 1 &gt; 0.6 ng/ml is predictive for short onset preterm birth<strong>Conclusion: </strong>Serum calponin 1 may play an important role at pregnancy as non-invasive predictor for short onset preterm labour in cases diagnosed as threatened preterm labour<strong>Recommendation</strong> Further larger prospective studies are needed&nbsp; larger sample size and longer duration to: confirm the standard diagnostic level of calponin 1 to diagnosis short onset preterm labour, perform antenatal checkup and testing by other modalities, take in consideration researches on the genetics or environmental factors (smoking) and their role in the development of preterm labour</p> Dalal I. Hussein Alaa O. Mohammad Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 104 113 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.104-113 Evaluating Maturity by Using Mid Upper Arm Circumference among Neonates at Salahadeen General Hospital <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background: </strong>Anthropometry is the single most easily available, universally applicable, does not need expertise, economical, and non-invasive method of assessing body composition. It reflects both the health and nutrition of human body and predicts performance, health, and survival. Aim of the present study evaluating the efficacy of mid-arm circumference in assessing birth weight and maturity among new born<strong>Methodology: </strong>A cross sectional study done in Salah Aldeen general hospital in the Tikrit&nbsp; city during the period from the (1<sup>st</sup>&nbsp; November 2021 to 1<sup>st</sup>&nbsp; April 2022). During the period of the study had a total of 200 neonates were selected randomly. Each newborn was examined and mid upper arm circumference was measured, birth weight was measured with a calibrated digital weighing scale to the nearest 10 g.<strong>Results: </strong>Most of the preterm babies had mid upper arm circumference&nbsp; of ≤9.25 cm 47(90.4%) significantly higher than the full-term babies most of them had mid upper arm circumference&nbsp; of &gt;9.25 cm 126(85.1%). The mid upper arm circumference&nbsp; is good parameter for diagnosing of prematurity with sensitivity of 90.4%, specificity (85%) and accuracy of the test was (87%). The PPV for diagnosing low prematurity was (68%) and the negative predictive value was (96.2%). Most of the Low birth weight babies had MUAC of ≤9.25 cm 53(93 %) while the Normal birth weight babies most of them had MUAC of &gt;9.25 cm 127(88.8%) this relation was statistically significant.<strong>Conclusions: </strong>Mid upper arm circumference could be used as a diagnostic tool to identify low birth weight and preterm newborns needing extra care when taken at birth and up to day 7 of life</p> Thamer J Thamer J Omar M. Abd- almoula Luay A. Hasani Hind M Hind M Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 127 138 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.127-138 Success Rate of Transcanalicular Diode LASER –Assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objective:</strong>To study the percentage of success rate of transcanalicular diode LASER assited Dacryocystorhinostomy TC-DLA-DCR in case of acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction(NLDO)<strong>Method:</strong>A thin fiber of 360 micron diameter with 918 nm diode LASER has a very high energy at LASER tip which help in vaporization of bone and soft tissue at low LASER power .In our technique a thin fibro-optic pass through dilated upper or lower punctum to the lacrimal sac and aiming beam seen through a rigid nasal endoscope attached to a screen and once the proper position is reached the laser is fired to ablate the bone and nasal mucosa and appropriate osteotomy is done.<strong>Results:</strong>Seventy five patients (26male and 49 female)were followed from Jan. 2017 to Aug 2022 with bicanalicular intubation .follow up show absence of epiphora and a patent nasolacrimal duct on irrigation 73 out of 75 patients. 3out 73 patients had epiphora despite a patent NLD on irrigation<strong>.</strong><strong>Conclusion:</strong>980nm diode laser through 360micrometer fiber is very effective inbone penetration and ablation.It minimally invasive, quick surgery,can be done under local anesthesia and in patient with coagulopathyand have a high success rate</p> Bassam M. S. AL Abachi Ghassan M. Ahmed Huda A. Mustafa Copyright (c) 2024 THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY LICENSE 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 29 1 139 148 10.25130/mjotu.29.2023.1.139-148