Assessment the association between Cigarette smoking and osteoarthritis in Mosul city
osteoarthritis, smoking, arthritis, knee, bonesAbstract
Background: The most frequent type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Degenerative joint disease is often known as "wear and tear"
.arthritis. It most commonly affects the hands, hips, and knees Objective(s): The objective of this study is to Assessment the
association between Cigarette smoking and osteoarthritis Patients and Method :In this research, a case-control study design was used in Ibn-Sena , Al-Salam Teaching Hospital and Mosul General Hospital in Mosul, Iraq, from June 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021. A total of 100 patient with knee osteoarthritis were included as cases in this study, with another 100 patient who did
.not have knee osteoarthritis serving as controls Results: The findings of the study suggest that gender has an impact on osteoarthritis. According to the findings, osteoarthritis strikes older women more frequently than it does in men.
.Osteoarthritis is no associated with smoking Conclusion: The lack of a link between smoking and the risk of osteoarthritis of the knee, may be due to the nature of the sample, the majority of which are women who may not smoke, which is in
.agreement with the literature Recommendations: More research is needed on the metabolic consequences of smoking on knee osteoarthritis with a bigger sample size so that gender-based disparities in smoking habits and Knee Osteoarthritis incidence may be assessed.