Risk Factors of Anemia Among Child Bearing Women


  • Omaya F. Qassid Author
  • Shaimaa S. AL-Hayalee Author
  • Hadeel A. AL-Sayegh Author


Anemia, Child bearing women, Hb, Vit C, Mosul City


Background:  Anemia  is  a  common  health  problem  influencing  both developing and developed countries with major outcome for human health as well as social and economic development.
Aim : the present study aimed  to identify the risk factors of anemia in child bearing women visiting family medicine centers in Mosul City.
Patients and Methods : The study was done at the family medicine centers in  Mosul City , Nineveh Health Directorate. Using case- control study design for a period of three months extending from 1st March to 1st June 2017. One hundred sixty five women of childbearing age(15-49 years) and their hemoglobin was <12gm/dl was considered as cases, and  165 women of childbearing age(15-49years)  and their hemoglobin level >12gm/dl was considered as controls .A special questionnaire formula has been prepared for collecting data from both cases and controls.
Results : the result of this study was significant association of drinking juices  containing vitamin C in preventing anemia(p= 0.03). Clots with menstruation had  high  significant  association  (  p=  0.001).  High  parity  had  significant association (p= 0.02) with about 2 folds increase probability of anemia in cases than controls. There was strong  association between  history of hemorrhoid, history of previous anemia, and family history of anemia (p= 0.01),in contrast past medical history ,past surgical history, parasitic infestation, ingestion of drugs like NSAID ,and antacid had  high odds ratio but without significant association.
Conclusions :The conclusion is  that there is significant association of drinking juices  containing vitamin C , clots with menstruation ,and high parity with anemia ,in addition to some medical diseases(hemorrhoid, history of previous anemia, and family history of anemia),with anemia .


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