Estimation of Mortality Rates and Causes of Death in Salahaldeen Province in 2018


  • Omar Kh. Banoos Author
  • Layla A. Hameed Author


Mortality rate, Crude death rate, Disease burden, Salahaldeen, Infection


Background Mortality rate is one of the important means of assessment to any health system, and according to studies of causes of death, there is a high proportion of deaths happened due to causes that can be prevented. Since  there  is  no  previous  study  about  mortality  rates  in  Salahaldin province,  the  current  study  is  considered  to  be  a guide  for any  future studies.
Materials  and  Methods:  A  cross-sectional  study  was  carried  out  in Salahaldin province to all death happened during 2018. The number of deaths included in the study was 3274. The analysis tool used (ANAcod v.2) was a special tool developed by WHO. The number of population considered was (1,595,235) according to Salahaldin Statistics Directorate. Results:  The study showed that mortality rate in different groups, crude death rate, life expectancy and male/female ratio were resemble that of high economic  communities,  and  disease  burden  showed  that  most  deaths happened due to non-communicable diseases, with a clear role for injuries and accidents in middle age males .
Conclusion: the  most  common  causes  of  death  are  related  to  non- communicable diseases especially in old ages. Preventive measures shows effective role in making mortality rate due to infectious diseases lower than other causes especially among children. Weak medical documentation of causes of death  .


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