The presence of Giardia lamblia Infestation among healthy and undernourished Children under 5 years of age
Giardia lamblia, malnutrition, children, Middle Arm Circumference, KirkukAbstract
Background Worldwide, malnutrition is common and is responsible directly or indirectly for about a third of all deaths of children under 5 years of age. Restrictive diets may be iatrogenic as a result of exclusion diets or parental food fads, or may be due to parasitic infection like Giardia lamblia which is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by the flagellate protozoan Giardia lamblia (also sometimes called Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis). This study aims to evaluate the occurrence of infection by Giardia lamblia among the malnourished children under five years. Patients & Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was done on children attending the pediatric department, and nutrition department in General Pediatrics Hospital in Kirkuk from 15th of March to the last of August 2015. The study included 101 children, their age from (2 months -5 years). Each child included in the study was assessed by a prepared questionnaire. Screening done by measuring weight for age, height for age, then diagnostic test done by depending on weight for height to confirm diagnosis or exclude malnutrition. Each malnourished case was sent for general stool examination.
The Results: The males were 56.4 % while female were 43.6% most of the cases were of 2-12 month for both females (47.4%) and males (54.5%) respectively.. Other findings for this study showed that all the cases were wasted (100%) followed by abdominal distention (60.4%) and finally most of the study cases were below 3rd percentile 73.3%.Regarding the general stool examination , the laboratory examination showed that positive test for Giardia lamblia were 12 cases, (11.9%) most of the study cases had normal Middle Arm Circumference (88.1%) and most pateints with Giardia lamblia had weight for age less than 3rd percentile (83.3%) and most Giardia lamblia positive patients had height for age less than 3rd percentile while negative Giardia lamblia infection had normal height for age (100%). Finally the present study concluded that Giardia lamblia is still prevalent among malnourished cases.