Study the Effect of Contraceptive drug on Some Biochemical Parameters 0f the Women in Tikrit City


  • Saria N. Muhsin Author
  • Takea S. Ahmed Author
  • Fidan F. Ahmed Author
  • Sina N. Muhsin Author


Progestational agents, Progesterone only pills (POPs), Depot medroxyprogesteron acetat, ALP, TSB, Cholesterol, Triglyceride


Background  Progestational  agents,  such  as  megestrol  acetate  and medroxyprogesterone  acetate,  are  effective  hormonal  treatments  for  metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
The aim of this study is knowing effect the progestational agent(only pills),(depto medroxyprogesteron) (DMPA) in some biochemical parameters (TOtal protein, globulin,  ALP,  TSB,  uric  Acid, creatinine, and  lipid  levels (Triglycerides, Cholesterol) in the woman.
Patients  &  Methods: This  study  included  (  100  )  samples  of  women  used  progestational agents in  (Clinics) (20) blood samples pulled from healthy women as  Control sample. The study has carried out in Clinics from (March 2017)  to (September 2017).. The samples were divided into three groups; the first group: - (40) women used a progesterone  only pills (POPs) the second group: -(40) women used Depot medroxyprogesteron acetate injection(DMPA). The third group was the healthy women(control). 
The  Results: The  results  of  the  study  indicated  a  significant  decrease  in  the Concentration of the Total Protein and Globulin levels at level (P <0.001) and there's no significant differences in activity ALP and TSB Concentration at level (P <0.001) The results revealed a significant decrease in the Concentration of the Uric acid at level (P <0.001) and a huge increment in the Concentration of the creatinine at level (P <0.001) in approach  to the healthy group. while the results showed a rise in the concentration level of Cholesterol, Triglyceride when compared to the healthy group.
Conclusion in this study there are significant decrease in the concentration of the Total protein,  Globulin ,uric acid and  increase in the   concentration in the creatinine  when compared to the healthy   group, While there are arise in the concentration lipid levels(Triglycerides, Cholesterol)when compared with healthy group


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