Association of calcium level and bone tissue in overiectomized female adult rabbit (An experimental study)


  • Elham M. Mahmoud Author
  • Ayad H. Ibrahim Author
  • Samira Abdulhussein Author


Ovariectomy, Rabbit, Femur, Osteoporosis, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium level


Background Ovariectomy induced  estrogen  depletion,  which  affected    bone healing  and  remodeling.  Calcium  closely  tied  to  magnesium  and  phosphorus regulation. 
The aim of the study was to find the effect of bilateral ovariectomy on femur bone tissue  in  sexually  mature  female  rabbit  and  on  calcium  magnesium  and phosphorus level.
Subjects and Methods: Forty- eight sexually mature female rabbits were used and divided in to 6 groups; control, groups A, B, C, D, E. Bilateral overctomy was made on the experimental groups. The overictomized groups were scarified at the interval of zero, 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days. Blood samples were taken from the experimental animals twice, one was before the overectomy operation and the sconed was at the end of experimental time and before scarifying the animals.   Blood samples  were centrifuged and  serum  was obtained and then tested  for calcium,  phosphorus  and  magnesium  levels.  Femur  bone  was  also  taken  and prossed for H&E staining method. Highly statically difference was found between the control  and groups D&E and no significant difference with group A&B in calcium level .phosphorus levels showed difference between the control and the study groups magnesium showed no difference between  the control and group A, but statically difference with group B and highly significant deference with groups C,D and E. 
The result with the femur bone showed no major changes between the control and groups A&B,while in group C resorption cavities appeared clearly. In group D multiple wide  vacuoles  or  resorption  cavities  was  clear  .Group  E  showed osteoporotic changes with wide resorption area were obvious. It is clear from the present result, that OVX had osteoporotic changes on femur bone increased with time  in  association  with  calcium  level  decrease.  The  effect  was  minor  with phosphorus and less pronounced with magnesium.
In conclusion of this study found that OVX is associated with calcium serum level decrease but not fast more than one month after OVX, the phosphorus level declined in rapidly  after OVX  then gradually rises up again in other groups, for magnesium showed no statistically significant difference.


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