Evaluation of plasma fibrinogen in diabetes mellitus type 1 patients


  • Ihsan I. Mohammed Author
  • Abd-Alsatar I. Mohammed Author
  • Bashar I. Mohammed Author


Diabetes mellitus, Hypercoagulable state, Plasma fibrinogen


Background  Diabetes  mellitus  is  a  clinical  syndrome  characterized  by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Death may result from acute metabolic decompensation. 
Aim: To evaluate the level of plasma fibrinogen in   diabetic patients type 1 and compare  the  results  with  the  normal  subjects  and  to  estimate  the  effect  of glycemic control and the duration of the disease on the level of plasma fibrinogen. Patients&Methods: This study was conducted on fifty patients, having type 1 diabetes mellitus DM and were insulin dependent. All the patient were attending the National Diabetes center, Al-Mustansiryia University, from February to April 2010.
Results: This  study  was  conducted  on  50  patients  all  with  type  1  diabetes mellitus, they include 30 female and 20 male ,with female/male ratio was 1.5/1 ,the age range of patients among 1-20 years ,also included a control group of fifty, age  and  sex  matched,  normal  healthy  volunteers,  had  no  family  history  of diabetes. 
Conclusions: By comparing  the coagulation parameters in diabetic and control subjects  there was a significant increase in plasma fibrinogen  in diabetic patients ,also there was improvement in fibrinogen level with glycemic control in patients with  type  1  diabetes  mellitus,  thus  will  modulate  the  hypercoagulable  state associated with this disease, plasma fibrinogen level is unaffected by the duration of the illness and sex of patients.


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