Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Students in Tikrit City, Iraq 2023


  • Gufran M Mohamed Author
  • Zeena Noor Al-Deen Author
  • Ahmed Hashim Alanee Author


Prevalence of ADHD in Primary School in Tikrit, ADHD in Primary School


The schools from which the student chosen were 6 governmental schools (3boys schools, and 3 girls schools) and 2 private mixed schools and the total sample was 400 student were selected randomly. Regarding students who included in the study, a list of questions and information will be taken from the direct teacher about the needed information as age and also questionnaire for the family was sent to fill the information related to ADHD and other general, medical and obstetrical history of the student. Data collection done through a questionnaire concerning personal and other socio-demographic information and taken from teachers and students family. Each  involved  student  will  be  assessed  by  using  a  prepared  questionnaire  that contains  the  criteria  for  the  diagnosis  of  ADHD,  according  to  the  American Psychiatric Association, Diagnosed and Statistical Manual of mental disorders DSM- 5 Criteria for ADHD. The current study revealed that the proportion of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among primary school student was 57/400 (14.2%) and that the proportion of sub types of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were inattention disorder 27 (6.8%), Hyperactivity disorder 20 (5%), and combined form was 10 (2.5%). The frequency of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was most common at age 6-9 years; 32 cases (56.1%), most of cases were male 30 cases  (52.6%), while female was 27 cases (47.4%).


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