The Value of Serum Calponin 1 in Maternal Blood as Marker for Prediction of Short Preterm Labour with Intact Membrane
prediction, short, preterm, labour, calponin 1.Abstract
Background: Preterm birth is a worldwide epidemic with a global incidence of (5%- 15%). It is important risk factor for perinatal morbidity and mortality. Calponin 1 is a basic smooth muscle protein that had biological process as actinomycin structure organization and regulation of contractile function. The uterus containing the largest volume of smooth muscle, myometrial destruction occurs when uterine contractions start leading to increased maternal serum calponin 1 levels.
Aim of study: To investigate the level of serum calponin 1 in maternal blood as marker for prediction of short onset preterm labor with intact membrane within one week.
Methods: A prospective observational study that collected in obstetrical department of the al-yarmouk hospital in cooperation with the laboratory department of hospital through the period from Feb till Dec 2019. It included 88 pregnant women between 28 – 36+6 gestational weeks admitted to the hospital diagnosed as threatened preterm labor. Follow up done with each participant admitted in hospital until the time of delivery to determine the gestational age at delivery and record the birth interval from blood sampling till delivery, Serum Calponin 1 level positive and negative predictive values were compared for the prediction of short onset preterm birth within seven days or more
Results: In this study, 73.9% of the study patients were delivered within one week after presentation. Mean of calponin 1 was significantly higher in study groups who delivered within one week than those who delivered after one week. Serum calponin 1 > 0.6 ng/ml is predictive for short onset preterm birth
Conclusion: Serum calponin 1 may play an important role at pregnancy as non- invasive predictor for short onset preterm labour in cases diagnosed as threatened preterm labour
Recommendation Further larger prospective studies are needed larger sample size and longer duration to: confirm the standard diagnostic level of calponin 1 to diagnosis short onset preterm labour, perform antenatal checkup and testing by other modalities, take in consideration researches on the genetics or environmental factors (smoking) and their role in the development of preterm labour.