Lipid Profile in Prediction of Pre-Eclamptic Pregnant Women in Tikrit-Iraq


  • Suaad KC Author
  • Nabila KY2 Author
  • Ammar LH Author


Lipid profile in preeclampsia, Lipid Profile in Prediction of preeclampsia


This  study  is  a  prospective  case  control  study  involved  50  pre-eclamptic  and  50 healthy pregnant women at the Tikrit Teaching Hospital, from November 2022 to June 2023. The two groups were controlled for age, parity, and gestational age. Fasting serum  total  cholesterol,  Triglyceride,  High  density  lipoprotein-cholesterol,  Low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and Very low density lipoprotein were assayed using standard methods. An interview will carried out with these patients using questionnaire form  including  their  demographic  characteristics,  age,  body  weight,  height,  blood pressure and edema & maternal body mass index. A proper obstetric, abdominal & medical examination, ultrasonography, and laboratory investigations done. The mean ± SD of the total cholesterol (230.54±40.3), triglycerides (191.14±47.3), low-density lipoprotein (125.6±26.3), VLDL (42.44 ± 13.4) were higher in preeclampsia than control  group  (165.06±  24.02),    (153.3±  31.6),  (105.3±13.7),  &  (35.3±8.3) respectively. The mean ± SD of the High -density lipoprotein (37.58±7.6), was lower among preeclampsia group than control group (42.18± 8.3). The mean ± SD of the total cholesterol (257.5± 31.02), triglycerides (209.1 ± 40.41), high-density lipoprotein (37.1±  5.8),  low-density  lipoprotein  (141.7  ±  23.6),  very  low-density  lipoprotein (44.5± 9.3) were higher in sever preeclampsia group than mild preeclampsia group (195.1±17.05), (174.2±24.7), (39.35±5.4), (123.2 ±20.3), (39.3±7.6), respectively, and control group (165.06± 24.02), (153.3± 31.6), (42.18±8.3), (105.3±13.7), (35.3±8.3), respectively. The serum lipid levels were significantly raised among pre-eclamptic pregnant women when compared to the healthy pregnant women. The raised serum lipid level was higher among severe preeclampsia in comparison to those with mild pre-eclampsia.


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