Doppler Ultrasonographic Indexes and Its Relation to Transplanted Kidney (Allograft) Function in Sulaimani City Centre
Doppler ultrasound, resistive index, RI, pressure index, PI, serum creatinine, kidney transplantation, allograftAbstract
Background: The measurement of Doppler Ultrasonography(DU) indexes, including resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI), could assist in evaluating a transplanted kidney. Aim of study: This work attempted at determining how Doppler sonography indexes correlated with transplanted kidney (graft) function. Methods: Our cross-sectional study conducted on 18 kidney transplanted patients (10 male and 8 female). In all cases, DU had been conducted upon transplanted kidney. We analyzed data on the pulsatility index (PI) and resistive index (RI) in the interlobular arteries. Concurrent serum creatinine explored in comparison to the DU results. Results: The pi and Ri correlate significantly , in linear manner with serum creatinine (P = .005, and P=.002 respectively).Conclusion: The PI and RI are important DU markers for determining the kidney allograft function.